About Us
Mashreq is more than half century old bank, yet proudly thinks like a challenger, startup, and innovator. Mashreq pioneered key innovations and developments in banking, starting with entry-level digital-first customers, all the way to powering some of the region’s most prominent corporations and wealth accounts.
The bank’s mandate is to help customers find their way to Rise Every Day, partnering through the highs and lows to help them reach fulfilment, achieve financial goals, and unlock their vision of success.
Reassuringly present in major financial centers of the world, Mashreq’s home and global HQ remains in the Middle East, offering services whenever and wherever opportunity takes its customers.
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We are committed to improve our operations across ESG metrics by aligning our business to UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainability reports, white papers & policies
We strive to incorporate sustainability's Environmental, Social, Economical and Governance dimensions into our core business strategy.
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